
Posted on 2022年1月10日周一 阅读



It’s a practice that inherently benefits those who are good at it, and is an absurd axis on which to reward people. 又是一种“内卷式”技能,所有人都会的话等于所有人不会,但只要有人好一点点,他就能比其他人拿到更多的回报。但也不一定,如果大家的谈薪水平都接近一个均衡的level的话,也许谈薪这件事情就不会那么不透明和不公了,HR为了节省时间直接给出最合适的价钱。但技能也都是同时拥有外向型和内向型的吧,会了这些技巧,可能我们自己也会更了解自己。

Employment is just striking a mutual deal in the labor market. It is a deal between you and a company to exchange labor for money (and other things you value).

Negotiating is also a signal of competence and seriousness.谈判会显示出你的周到和认真。

You never damage a relationship by negotiating. 一段关系只会因为谈判而加速破裂,裂痕是原本就有的,不会因为谈判而产生。


Racial, sexual, and political dynamics accompany you to the negotiating table.

Before jumping into details, try to ask for specific feedback on your interview performance. If they give it to you, this will help you gauge how much they want you, as well as tell you things you can improve on in your next interview(s).

  1. Get everything in writing。把面试过程中你得到的信息都写下来,比如package具体是怎么给你的,他们口头上对你的职位期待,甚至团队有多少人,必要的时候把这个邮件发给recruiter让他再次确认。
  2. Always keep the door open。把对方的疑问句都当成需要你口头确认的事项,除非你真的决定加入这家公司了,不然就一直回答你还需要考虑其他选项,不要给出正面回复。
  3. Information is power。要提供会让雇主不知道怎么开价的信息(有好多其他公司在抢你,你之前的薪水远高于市场平均水平,etc),不要提供可以帮助雇主减少uncertainty的信息,要想想雇主从不提供对你有利的信息给你。除了澄清pkg,不要反问recruiter有关pkg的问题。
  4. Always be positive。不管offer多差都要强调你对公司的喜爱,相同条件下,雇主肯定会给更喜爱公司的人更高的pkg,如果你在谈判过程中变得负面,recruiter也会犹豫是否要雇佣你,你和recruiter在提高谈判体验上有着一致的利益。
  5. Don’t be the decision maker。说你要考虑家人朋友的意见,这个时候你把“决策者”藏到了你背后,和客服一个道理,用户抱怨的问题都不是客服的问题,他们只不过是用来缓和矛盾的。
  6. Have alternatives。用其他公司的offer DDL来反向给当前recruiter增加压力,甚至把邮件发给没有申请或者没有回复你申请的公司。给市场展示资源的稀缺性。以及如果你有了Google的offer,那其他公司不争取你,是不是其他公司的问题?
  7. Proclaim reasons for everything。找理由,甚至说你要买房,只要不说你要钱,其他蠢理由都是好理由。以及自己要多花时间去增加自己能力,这样理由会更多,比如只有我会xxx技能,能不能加钱。
  8. Be motivated by more than just money
  9. Understand what the company value
  10. Be winnable


“Yeah, [COMPANY_NAME] sounds great! I really thought this was a good fit, and I’m glad that you guys agree. Right now I’m talking with a few other companies so I can’t speak to the specific details of the offer until I’m done with the process and get closer to making a decision. But I’m sure we’ll be able to find a package that we’re both happy with, because I really would love to be a part of the team.“


“I’ll look over some of these details and discuss it with my [FAMILY/CLOSE_FRIENDS/SIGNIFICANT_OTHER]. I’ll reach out to you if I have any questions. Thanks so much for sharing the good news with me, and I’ll be in touch!”

通知自己已有其他 offer

“I just wanted to update you on my own process. I’ve just received an offer from [COMPANY] which is quite strong. That said, I’m really excited about [YOUR AMAZING COMPANY] and really want to see if we can make it work. Since my timeline is now compressed, is there anything you can do to expedite the process?”

回绝限时 offer

“I have one big concern. You mentioned that this offer explodes in 48 hours. I’m afraid this doesn’t work at all for me. There’s no way that I can make a decision on this offer within a 48 hour window. I’m currently wrapping up my interview process at a few other companies, which is likely to take me another week or so. So I’m going to need more time to make an informed decision.” “That’s really unfortunate. I like [YOUR COMPANY] and was really excited about the team, but like I said, there’s no way I can consider this offer. 48 hours just too unreasonable of a window. The next company I join will be a big life decision for me, and I take my commitments very seriously. I also need to consult with my [EXTERNAL_DECISION_MAKER]. There’s no way that I can make a decision I’m comfortable with in this short an amount of time.”

要求使用 email 谈判

Re: your previous e-mail, I’d prefer to discuss the details of the offer over e-mail. I sometimes get nervous during important phone calls, so discussing the offer over e-mail helps me to keep a clear head and communicate more clearly. I hope this is okay with you. :)


a company’s valuation is determined by investors. These investors see the financials and the growth rate of the company, and invest at a price that reflects the current growth rate of the company.